So, how does one achieve the precise amount of notoriety to keep all the jolly and avoid the pits?
I have been musing on this dilemma much lately; not only as I construct this Blog, but also as I search for the optimum job, make efforts to get my books published and marketed, and balance conflicting desires: Stage and Studio verses Cave and Quiet; Retirement and Leisure verses Aspiration and Acquirement; Security verses Adventure. I am too conscientious to throw care to the wind and be a free spirit; too responsible to retire and leave things undone; too fearful and conservative to take unnecessary risks. In the end, as always, the final word is survival; and hierarchy of need triumphs.
Yet; one must remember the intent of Carpe Diem. One must be reminded of Emerson’s fine admonition: “Sail into port grandly, or be content to sail with God the seas!”