Think about it for a moment. These three things are present in one way or another in love relationships. When any one of them is missing; the relationship limps and becomes deformed. Pursuit, Protection, and Provision may manifest in many forms; but, always they exist and must be reciprocated for relationship to continue in health.
At the philosophical or spiritual level: God pursues (initiates), protects and provides.
In the realm of traditional courtship the man pursues, protects and provides. The woman reciprocates with Proverbs 31 characteristics. 1) He pursues; she responds with equal warmth and encouragement.2) He protects physically (war or shelter); She protects his reputation3) He provides the income; she provides nourishment through her stewardship of that incomeHe provides home; she provides hearthHe pursues with zeal; she pursues with nurtureHe protects physically, she protects influentially
In a changing world of equality and role reversal; financial reversal or illness she may be the one who earns income and he may be Mr. Mom or a househusband. It may fall her lot to war and shelter and his to nurture, encourage, and steward; but, always there must be reciprocal pursuit, protection and provision.