This is my belated college roommate experience, the one folks swear you must complete before you can relate in harmony as an adult – just like growing up with siblings. Two weeks ago I moved from solo dwelling on a couple acres to house-sharing with two teachers.
Welcome to my suite life where things are a good deal more glorified than your average college dorm or apartment share. For one thing, we each have our own private room and our own private bathroom. We live with traditional proper decorum; Guys on one level, Gals on the other.
In the kitchen, we share common ground. Three bottles of olive oil are tucked into three separate corners. Three bulbs of garlic reside in respective baskets and bowls. The fridge is stuffed with fresh produce on designated sides. We are consciously healthy-living in diverse ways.
At 7:00 a.m. we converge and diverge.
Me (bustling into kitchen): Need oatmeal
She (groaning): Need coffee
He (chopping fresh vegetables): Need smoothie
That is a brief and accurate description of our personalities.
And they all lived happily ever after, because each got for herself / himself what she or he needed.