Bucket List Win!

She thought for a moment when she stepped into the pool that was labelled 106 degrees but felt like 110, that she would die right there in that beautiful place, boiled to death in a hot springs. But it was not so. She thought for a moment when she gathered up her courage and took the cold plunge (alone) thereafter that she might be swept downstream in the spring runoff that was a foot higher in the early morning than it had been the evening before. She knew she had the opportunity to foolishly die in a beautiful place when her right flip-flop was swept away in the current but she wisely let it go and lived another day albeit in only half her spa footwear – and her toenail polish is wearing thin. Three hikes in beautiful places; Brown’s Canyon, the edges of Mts Harvard and Columbia. A foot dip in the fast-flowing, white water, Arkansas. She is still batting 1000 on her bucket list. Making and taking a vacation in the mountains; working for daily bread in music. This way, if the end should suddenly come upon her, she knows she will die in a beautiful place. In her final breath, she will know success. For the ultimate item on said bucket list is to die in a beautiful place.