Tag Archives: You can work with them but not live with them

Juxtaposing friendship, work and love

I have some close friends whom I love getting together with – but could never live with.

There are some people with whom you work – or play – quite well; but you could never live with them.  And there are some easy going folks, so compatible to live with, who would drive me nuts at work due to disorganization. Likewise, there are a handful of folks with whom I have made stunningly beautiful music; but working with them everyday, or living with them, would be impossible.  If you think about it, I bet you know people who feel this way about bosses, co-workers, friends, spouses or dance partners.

You can live with them, but you can’t work with them;


You can work with them, but you can’t live with them.

or maybe, 

You can enjoy them in small, concentrated amounts, but concentrated becomes insipid 24 X 7. 

It is such a shame, really. 

My cousin once said she finds her friends at work.  Those are the people you see every day. You grow closer to people who are available, who share the same path; but would you want to live with them?

Businesses frown on employing married couples. The usual compromise is that family members are not allowed to work in the same department – or at least – not to supervise each other. Not only does this protect the company from conspiracy; it protects the spouses from potential coercion or retaliation at home or at work. 

There have been folks I worked with so well, I attempted relationship outside of work with disastrous result. Yes, there are several people I respect for their work ethic, but our social values do not align and I would not want to be tied to them in the daily mundanities of married life.  

I have been in relationship with some folks so phlegmatic relaxing with them was wonderful; but expecting them to kick any butt at work was hopeless. My best dance partner ever felt absolutely safe and secure in the dance studio. I trusted him implicitly to lead, lift and catch me; but I would not want to meet him on a dark street.  

How many do you know who are true soul mates?  Who can live and love and like and laugh and trust and work together 24 X 7?